Review: somebody in hell loves you (deluxe) by Sydney Sprague via Rude

Last year, right around this time, Sydney Sprague released her sophomore album somebody in hell loves you. That album was packed with jams, brutally honest lyrically and left quite an impression, it's still in my regular rotation. Now, as said, two years shy of the one-year anniversary, a new version of the album is here. This deluxe adds only ten extra minutes, three new songs and one re-imagined track, but has a lot to offer in terms of quality. The first of the new songs, "The Cards," comes latest in the track list but was released back in April. As a single I thought this was a fine blues-like about life being a lottery but nothing which blew me away as a song. In context to the record, I think it's elevated quite a bit. This pairs best to the somebody in hell style compared to the other new songs and has a natural lead into "big star go." The second single, "tell me" hits similar, I was sort of surprised how easily it fit in considering how mu...