Review: Weird Faith by Madi Diaz released via Anti

I don’t even have an interesting title here. This might be the best album of the year. I have tried and failed to get into Madi Diaz since 2021’s History of a Feeling . Every time I dig into a release by this artist I like the singles, maybe another track or two, nothing has ever connected quite like this. The first six words of Weird Faith is “what the fuck do you want?” Is an opening statement I could write an entire dissertation on. It poses hostility but follows it up with lines who pave the way for everything else we’re about to hear over the course of the next forty minutes. This record is spiked and icey tonally but just enough to melt at the warmest breath by its audience. This woman cares so much, in the hook to this track she talks about letting someone into her life to the point she’s risking ruining it and wondering if they on the other end are willing to do the same. This feeling as if you bow to everything someone wants, surely , it must work. Eventually though they’ll b...