AsterTracks 306: This Barbie is having another gender crisis.

The following contains spoilers for Barbie and assumes, in discussion, that you have seen the film. If you wish to avoid spoilers do not proceed. My entire life I’ve defined my inner monologue and external expression via the music I listen to but recently my artistic consumption has become much more complex. These days film speaks to me a lot, a long way from where I was a year ago. Before I had seen very few movies and now, I have favorites. For a while I tried to start an AsterTracks movie blog and had a few outlines, but nothing ever came to fruition. The point is, I don’t really know how to talk about movies because I’m still sort of new to them. I also don’t know how to write intros to anything. Our secret? Cool. I do, however, know how to talk about music, so here’s a review of a Barbie album. My friends and I saw Barbie completely by accident. We were enroute to see an old movie at a local theater when the plans derailed while we were in the car and went to see this instead...