Black Dresses forget they're broken up for a second year in a row

“Forget Your Own Face” is the follow up to last year’s Forever in Your Heart, a record that made my top fifteen at the end of last year . It’s also the second record Ava Rook and Devi McCallion have put out as the band since breaking up the project in 2020. This studio-only status as well as the other music the two make, make it hard to be ready for these records, especially when they just drop on announcement, so I don’t really have much prior information to share with you, except to just dive into the songs themselves. We start off very messy but as always very fun with “u_u2.” (Not sure how I’d say that out loud.) I’m loving the synth and guitar built beat that’s structured like a club banger in a post-apocalyptic dance hall played over broken speakers. Vocally and lyrically this feels like a diss track that I’m missing the context of and the passage; “Who the fuck are you trying to do this shit I do? Who the fuck are you coming in the booth sounding like me? I wish you were...