AsterTracks 307: Where I wanted to be in February

As well documented earlier this year I was not totally in love with Paramore’s last record. To me This is Why was far too derivative and didn’t really feel like a proper Paramore entry, especially when stacked against both their self-titled record and After Laughter, the latter of which is still one of my favorite records of all time . Now, only eight months later the band has released a response to that album and on this one they are bringing lots of artists from their influence and proximity. To me, before I even heard the album, this was more what I was looking for; a collection of tracks born from collaborating with the community around you feels like something this band has never done and sounded like just the shake up I needed from the trio. While I try to stay away from the overall opinion from any fanbase I have seen that a lot of people are really underwhelmed by this one and I’m sort of surprised given just how much I’m resonating with it but that is what it’s all about after...