How CLIFFDIVER is helping consoling me through a break-up, unpacking a 12 year old trauma, and exercise my own demons

Tulsa, OK’s CLIFFDIVER have released their debut record Exercise Your Demons on SideOneDummy Records. This is a band that I wasn’t familiar with before singles for this project yet have material dating back to at least 2018. I wanted to cover and highlight this band for the fact that their big tour off the release of this record was stopped in its tracks due to a COVID case in the band but as I started to dive deeper in to get familiar it became so much more. This record not only impressed me in terms of quality but really hit me in the deepest recesses of the current state of my mental health in the best way. The band get’s you in the door with a fun ska rager on “New Vegas Bomb.” This song, which was also the first single, features Skatune Network, whose involvement I do not know the full extent of but given the knowledge I have of that project and the context offered in the video I can only assume they helped co write the tracks bridge. The lines and vocals the record kicks o...