Last Week in Music, 8/15/21 - 8/21/21

Between the Buried and Me - Colors II (Sumerian Records) This record made me realize something; for me, BTBAM is not a singles band. Was really lukewarm on “Revolution in Limbo” and “Fix the Error” when they came out but here in the context of the record I think they’re some of the strongest performances of the year. This album is going to be hard to break apart in terms of songs because I feel the way it’s strongest is in it’s uncut, seamless format. I think this could be my favorite BTBAM record to date. Lorde - Solar Power (Universal Music) I like this record a lot, it might not be in my top of the year and it’s certainly not my favorite Lorde record though even Melodrama took time to grow on me. I respect that it’s the record she wanted to make and I was really into the lead single when it came out for just that reason. She could have come back with some pop banger and it probably would have done well but it wouldn’t have been authentic. I understand the fanbases disappointmen...