Last Week in Music, 7/18/21 - 7/24/21

Attila - Closure Attila’s been around for awhile and hasn't been known for well respected albums in the past few years. While I can’t deny that the musicianship is there, this is just another dud. The personality that this band puts up was fun at first but it’s just overstayed its welcome and is never presented in a fresh way. That and there’s just a lot of awkward decisions going on. Fronz coughing once if it fits the song? Fine probably would work. Multiple times? It got old before even the first listen through of thirty minutes was up. Brojob - THE HEAVIEST ALBUM OF ALL TIME (Hallowed Records) There’s a lot of hype around deathcore at the moment between all the huge releases and Lorna Shore having a top 10 song on streaming services. That’s all great! It’s just not a genre I usually cover as it’s not one I go to myself. Brojob is the brutal riffs and other heavy music associated with the genre but in a laid back, comedic way that just makes it for me easier to swallow and doesn’...