Best of Month: AotY #9: Riverby's "Absolution" via Take This to Heart


When Absolution was released it sort of got lost in the shuffle to me, however keeping its highlights in mind I knew I’d have to re-evaluate that eventually. One day I decided to just start putting it in my daily rotation and now? Well, it’s in the top ten.

That doesn’t quite do the experience justice, however. As I said, the hits stuck with me in single ready songs like “Baseless” and “Birth by Sleep.” As I kept listening I discovered the true personality of Riverby’s sophomore effort; that it was fucking sad. In the last week of living in my New England apartment as I was packing up my carry-on luggage to fly and move to the west coast, there was one song in particular that really struck me. At the end of the record is “Imagine the Ending,” a song that talks about parting and the anticipation of it all. You think that you’ll stay right where you’re comfortable forever, you think you’ll always have those same friends around, those same things that keep the days and weeks regular. The truth is, however, that eventually you grow up and you move onto something else. When this song came on and I really listened to it I thought of what I was leaving behind; a family that may start to understand me, friends I’ve had all my life and all the things that made my hometown mine. I stopped packing for a bit and laid in my bed that my ex eventually took and cried loud enough that the next door apartment probably heard me.

It’s hard for me to listen to this record now because it makes me just as emotional every time. I haven’t heard it without crying in five months. I do love it though and it’s one of those ones that just remains high in my mind and heart.

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