Best of Month: AotY #7: Trust Fund Ozu's "Tribute Summon"

Every January I spend some time trying to find music I wouldn’t normally listen to. It just feels like correct timing, no label is really letting anyone put anything they think is a heavy hitter out and having come down from the year end lists and celebration of greatness it feels good to reset with something strange. This year, on a thread from Anthony Fantano asking for just that, I found “JK ROWLING DISS TRACK” and knew I had to hear it. I was expecting to laugh, I wasn’t expecting to listen to the album attached to it for the whole year to come.

Now, as someone who's sick to death of that name, I wince at any mention of Rowling to the point that I have her name muted on Twitter. Fae Fadem gave me a chance to laugh at that. She did a lot more than that to be honest. Fae Fadem is a rock star. All her outfits are incredible, Her live show looks like a blast, she’ll even play Sonic with you. If fifteen year old Claudia had songs like “Peppermint” about reclaiming your personhood through transition and refusing to lose out on any more of your life, maybe she wouldn’t have waited eleven more years to take the plunge herself. Of course, there’s so much more than even that. She also sneaks anime references into her bars and makes constant allusions to her love for Yu-Gi-Oh. If I were still fifteen and Fadem quoted my writing on the timeline? Well, I’ll be honest, I actually already did scream about that.

Let’s put all that aside though. The record is just outstanding to begin with. Metal and hip hop influenced hyper pop with tinges of video game OSTs with the hardest lyricism you’ve ever heard. An artful and entertaining music video presentation. There’s also the constant little humorous and memorable moments that I embarrassingly do every single time. I once got caught by a stranger at a stop light reciting the skit portion of “Succubus.” I yell along to “I don’t want to fucking see you!” whenever I think no one’s around.

It’s the first record from this year that I knew would stick. It’s also given me a foundation of being desensitized to the noise of people who would shame me for being who I am. It’s given me so much joy and hope this year and the artist behind it deserves all the attention in the world.

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