Best of Month: AotY #15: Mint Green's "All Girls Go to Heaven" via Pure Noise


I’ve talked about my break up from my long term partner a lot this year on the blog, but it was fourteen years and totally changed the path my life went on. Back in New England I did all my best thinking at the prep table. I worked for the same deli chain for eight years and the last year or so of that was as a prep person; coming in before open and getting everyone set up for the day. When I did that is when I spun the records that would get covered on the blog. There was one morning when I was debating on if I was serious about leaving both my partner and my home state, though the latter was still somewhere in the back of my mind. My relationship with Mint Green was that we were Twitter mutuals, I knew they had gotten signed recently and that was pretty much it. When I turned on All Girls Go to Heaven I wasn’t expecting to be hit by an immediate acoustic cut and when it opened with;

When was the last time you went against the grain? You always play it safe.

I stopped in my tracks. Here I was; with someone who had treated me awfully for over a decade, in the same job I barely liked for just under one and saying, year after year, that I was going to move out of my home town for my entire life. I knew when I heard that I had to finally take the chance. In a lot of ways it was this record that pushed me over the edge and made me believe it was going to be okay. Just six months later I’m typing this from a desk in a house I’ve lived in for five, I’m a little home sick and Mint Green have played my hometown countless times since I’ve been gone, I’d love to see them, but I have them to thank for challenging my thinking.

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