Review: Still by Erika de Casier released via 4AD

Super short review today, gang.

This year I tried a new method of listening where I stock up on releases then when the month is over I dive in. The plus side is it’s a fun, non-overwhelming way to hear new music. The negative side is sometimes I find strings of albums I find not so interesting. Still is a record so entrenched in paying homage to its influences it stops before shooting for any sort of personality of its own. This is all inspiration all the time, sometimes it's just more or less obvious.

Songs like “The Princess” really emotionally resonate with me being about a girl who wants everything and ends up recognizing you need to make room for the things which truly matter. But also, I’ve heard this exact same song sonically both from underground artists and even other 4AD signings. The only track I walk away with enjoying here is “ice” featuring They Hate Change but even then, the thing I remember most is the feature and short, simple hook.

I don’t think this is a bad record, but I don’t think it has anything drawing me back for more. I’ll have a couple of songs on a playlist but overall, I’m really not impressed with this one.

Our score of Still is 6/10.

Our favorite track is track 5, ice.

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