REVIEW: Fauxtrot - Lost in Translation

Fauxtrot, the Philly-based prog rock band released their debut single “Retrace Embrace” earlier this year and now, just before the year clocks out, they’ve out out their debut EP. Lost in Translation features “Retrace” as its opening track, followed by their second single “Too Close” and premiers two new songs to close things out. I remember being very fond of “Retrace” when I first heard it and was eager to hear the rest of the project.

Every single one of these songs are packed with part changes that are always technical and a hefty amount of lyricism that tells a story you can’t get enough of. We knew that, however, just from “Retrace” itself, that song is only four minutes but feels like an entire opus and there were three more of those waiting in the wings. With all that prog rock knowledge and technicality though you don’t have to be a major to enjoy what’s being laid down here, all of these songs are designed to get you out of your seat. Loud, infectious bass groves which always lay trail to huge choruses and cross sections that make for everything feeling so vibrant and alive. Sometimes you just have to hear it to believe it, the first verse of “Too Close” feels as though it exists in a different world than the chorus on the same track and yet it all, somehow, works out.

Also, like, is that a Too Close to Touch reference?

“Follow You” is track three and comes nestled at the perfect time. Track three is a perfect break for a four track and it’s oh so rich. This one is no exception. The “packed” rule, guitar tones that sound like echoing nature and the percussion in the form of shakers is the exact seasoning this recipe needed.

Don’t fall behind this December, Fauxtrot brought the heat to close out 2023. Lost in Translation was released this past weekend and is available on all the streaming services so make sure you check out a debut EP from an exceptional band.


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