REVIEW: Least's "Sitting in the Best Light" via Friend Club

The purpose of this blog is to highlight musicians that don’t get enough credit while also trying to stay modern. A lot of my favorite bands had lightning in a bottle records then completely disappeared off the face of the earth. That may become true of Florida’s Least, as Sitting in the Best Light was released as a farewell EP and the band is already broken up.

Least throws me back to a certain era of emo pop, specifically the 2000s, with their huge heartfelt hooks backed by a band doing so much inventive instrumentation while managing to stay within the realm of their genre. On all five tracks there’s a catchy, memorable line or two that make coming back to each feel rewarding.

I need you, you’re angry, don’t power trip me baby

A lot of the themes on Best Light hit hard but I also think I’m exactly the target audience. Songs about the growing pains of early transition and who surprises you with how much support or lack thereof you get out of them. I’ve listened to a lot of trans led music but I don’t think any really capture that feeling. The title track in particular hits me as someone who came out during the pandemic, had her entire world freeze and had the one person that was actually under the same roof as me criticize everything I ever did in pursuit of my own inner joy. On “Glamazon Drone” we also see this narrator come into their own and gain a lot of confidence in spite of everything around them. So often our confidence is taken from us and we’re made to actually feel bad about wanting to feel beautiful and it's so important to hang onto anything you can. By closing track “Yearling” we’re in a happier place, maybe it's an improved one, maybe it's a new one, but either way it’s one of inner peace.

This is a really good EP, it’s a shame this band didn’t last but I’m glad there’s this record out there. Least doesn’t do anything new with the genre, at least nothing you haven’t heard before. But on Best Light they have a lot of heart and five really strong songs.

Our rating - 8/10
  1. Power Blazer
  2. Sitting in the Best Light
  3. Alexandrite and Pearl
  4. Glamazon Drone
  5. Yearling


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