REVIEW: Lambrini Girls "You're Welcome" via Big Scary Monsters

Listening to punk you expect ferocity, the problem arises when it's not coming from a real place. Phoebe of Lambrini Girls is sometimes not even singing or screaming, most of the time they’re just popping off about things they’re passionate about standing against. This is especially true of “Terf Wars,” where they turn lyrics against the constant slamming of the trans community online into a performance that sounds so off the cuff and yet eloquent in a way that contrasts its subject matter. When they aren’t talking about terfs though, it’s usually bad men. On “Boys in the Band” we’re tackling an issue that seems to be eating the alternative scene alive; men abusing their power. To lead this EP off with that is a power move.

Lambrini Girls don’t really break new ground on You’re Welcome sonically but in punk you don’t necessarily have to. To me a good punk record in 2023 is one that delivers its politics in a clear cut way behind a composition that demonstrates a love and understanding of the inner workings of the genre. Phoebe, Lilly and Catt did just that.

I loved this record!
  1. Boys in the Band
  2. Terf Wars
  3. Mr Lovebomb
  4. Lads Lads Lads
  5. Help Me I'm Gay
  6. White Van


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