REVIEW: Frost Children's "SPEED RUN" via True Panther

The journey through my back log continues with the fourth record by this St. Louis hyperpop duo. Angel and Lulu Prost have been on a non-stop run releasing album after album, year after year from 2020 on. Speed Run however is my introduction to Frost Children and it's a pretty strong one.

I like how these two manage to write songs that are so low key while maintaining the excitement of hyperpop. On Speed Run the siblings manage to do an excellent job managing momentum. Take “Coup” for example, which starts off ballad-like in its first verse, takes you to the club with an entrancing hook and then takes you into the space between the two later on. “Flatline” is another great showing of this where it's sort of written to be ravey and entertaining. Also, I’m a bitch that loves a good transition, clearly, and this album is packed full of them. The in between of every song always find ways to close in on themselves. You listen to a song, it extends a bit, Yoshi shows up and before you even had time to notice anything shift you’re onto the next one. A lot of these productions, in fact, feel so fresh but also feel like they’re paying homage to older electronic projects. Take “All I Got” for one, that honestly sounds like it could have fit on top 40s playlists in the mid to late 90s where there was a house boom.

There are a few features on Speed Run but the one that sticks out to me the most is ex-NFL player Antone Exum on “Let it Be.” Not only does Exum deliver an incredible verse in their own right there is incredible production to back them up with some sweet glitchy pulsing beats following after their done. That is not to discount “Wonderland” which features two artists with May Rio and blaketheman1000 who both bring a great and subtle hook and yet another well flowing rap verse, though a bit more relaxed than on “Flatline.”

As I said above, energy is what wins me over again and again on the record as a whole. This is a release you can listen to whether you want to dance or lay down and when they do lean in on either direction it's so of the best moments here. “All I Got” takes full bets on the chillcore to lean into “Obsessed” and explode with energy. The song “Serpents” continues to build that momentum even further and even takes a bit of a genre turn with some full band instrumentation and going into the chaos with a different approach. Honestly this was a really pleasant surprise to come into and explore from records I’ve missed earlier on in the year and I’m glad I landed here this week.

Our rating - 8/10

  1. Coup
  2. Flatline
  3. Sick Trip
  4. All I Got
  5. Obsessed
  6. Serpent
  7. Hi 5
  8. Let It Be [feat. EXUM]
  9. Angel's Thoughts
  10. Wonderland [feat. blaketheman1000 & May Rio]
  11. Notice Me [feat. 8485]


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