REVIEW: Origami Angel's "The Brightest Days" via Counter Intuitive

If you’ve been paying attention to emo on the internet sphere you probably know Washington DC duo Origami Angel by now. They’ve made quite the name for themselves with their various EPs and especially with their 2021 double album; GAMI GANG, a top ten finisher for this blog in its release year. Now they’re back with The Brightest Days, a summertime mixtape that only adds to their impressive catalog.

This is a summertime record as the band uses beachside imagery in the form of ukulele, the sound of waves alongside other elements of surf rock and easycore especially in single “Thank You, New Jersey.” On which the narrator shows a reflection of things learned on the road, being grateful for the social vibe of the titular state in particular. This, of course, takes a darker but still sunny turn on “PG County Summer.” On this one the author offers a vent about the state of their own home city of DC, painting an image of right-wing protestors who come in as if it's a fun family vacation activity to promote hate and bigotry, all while cursing the fact that they feel proud of doing just that.

While I’m not intimately familiar with every record in the Origami Angel universe that’s actually what I appreciate about them most; this ability to write the stereotypical “happy but actually very dark” emo anthem but in a way that I don’t think many have really tuned into. Because it’s one thing to dance and sing to the saddest song you’ve ever heard, but when this band does it they make it sound like your friend who's having a great time at the hang out but also has some stuff on their mind that they’re communicating in a somewhat jolly and hopeful way. Even on the opener and title track they’re talking about one day proving wrong those who think all hope is totally lost. Regardless, this is for sure one of my favorite projects of the year so far, basically every song is incredible on its own and even better together and I’m all for Origami Angel continuing to make these non-full-length projects if they’re all of this quality.

Our Rating - 9/10

Favorite Songs

  1. The Brightest Days
  2. Thank You, New Jersey
  3. Picture Frame
  4. Kobayashi Maru (My Very Own)
  5. Second Best Freind
  6. Looking Out
  7. My PG County Summer
  8. Few and Far Between


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