REVIEW: Honey Revenge's "Retrovision" via Thriller

Honey Revenge seems to have, in just one year, gone from a band with just two songs out to a scene household name. The band even showed up on the cover of Rock Sound this month. The truth is; Devin Papadol and Donovan Lloyd have been grinding for a while now, playing shows in their own home scene around LA and developing quite a loyal following and community. I remember, throughout this past year, seeing so many posts from regular show goers wondering when this or that song would finally release. I myself chose to stay away from the large number of singles and save it all for the full record and it was worth the wait.

The songwriting on this record is incredible, it works as a pop and rock album in equal respects and right from the get-go on “Airhead” you get a killer hook, a curveball in that solo section and something you can relate to on your worst days all while avoiding being too relatable and looping back to soulless. On first listen that all felt like it made for a slog of a listen but now that I’ve had time to gestate these tracks I see them each as their own entity with their own intricacies that form together to make for a breezy experience. Once in a while you’re treated to Devin making a little comment in the background or will hit you with a little quip that always lands and never takes away from the song’s experience.

My drink tastes like I should ruin your night.

The only real “flaw,” if you can call it one, is that this feels more mixtape than record but if I look at the reality I find it hard to dock points for that since this feels like an album that establishes a groundwork for its artist as opposed to walking you through some sort of steady narrative. As a debut? Maybe I respect that more. It’s a celebration of a band that made it at their local level and now gets to show off just what made that work out in the first place. Like, maybe the overall second half is less strong but I’m really reaching here.

I am always the first to push back against the finale of a record being a single but in the case of “Distracted” I actually think it’s a power move. This feels like a victory lap, looking back on the year it’s been from single to album and when you mix that with the fact that they released on the same weekend a year apart it just feels like the obvious choice. Retrovision is a fantastic debut and has a perfect release date right at the top of summer. I know I just started doing these favorite songs sections but honestly just listen to the whole record. It’s fun, it’s poppy, it has an inspirational story and I really think you’ll find something to love here.

Our rating - 9/10

Favorite Songs
  1. Airhead
  2. Seeing Negative (Disappointment)
  3. Are You Impressed?
  4. Favorite Song
  5. Habitual
  6. Rerun
  7. Fight or Flight
  8. Murphy's Law
  9. Sensitive
  10. Scapegoat
  11. Worst Apology
  12. Distracted


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