REVIEW: Liturgy's As the Blood of God Bursts the Veins of Time off of Thrill Jockey records


Brooklyn based black metal project has released a new part-single, part-EP. The first three tracks of this come together to form the title track of an upcoming 2023 record and to be honest I’m of two minds on that presentation. On one hand I find it a little silly to see the song in this broken form, especially if it’s only going to be present as one on the record. On the other hand, with 36 being a reset of the track's riff and 696 literally being its own song if looked at individually I think it comes off fine.

Presentation aside; the fifteen minute cut is incredible. The riffs and basslines on this one are masterfully done and the keys in the background of it all present an air of creepiness that contrasts beautifully with the pounding jam in the forefront. I also love that throughout the entire thing, no matter where we go, we always return to the root of it all and the progression keeps it interesting for the entire play time. It’s also nice that 696 does feel so final with the strings sounding like the end of an era. All that and we are presented with one more piece at the end; a nearly incomprehensible number that translates beautifully in spite of itself.

In all honesty; I’m anxious to write a black metal review. Don’t really feel that plugged into that scene or smart enough to present it in a meaningful way. I do know one thing is how excited I am for this record and how in love with this small piece of it I am.

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