Foxera - Picture Perfect track review

Michael Swank formerly of Myka Relocate is back! This time he’s fronting Phoenix, AZ’s Foxera, who prior to Swank’s joining up only had one single to their name; “Memories” feat. Tilian. Friday the band released “Picture Perfect” to usher in their new vocalist.

The track itself has an intro that’s cut into two sections. The first bit opens with a really nice riff leading into some drum fills before some vocal cuts are added in and all that really gets your blood pumping, gets you ready for the main course. The second section is sort of a reintroduction and is short, sweet, takes us into the lead vocals and Swank’s return. Before we get to the verse though I do have to nitpick that the double intro feels a bit long. If this is an opening track to a project and that first half a minute is really an intro track in itself I don’t think that would really fail to stick the landing.

Finally we get into the verse, which is pretty lowkey and haunting. I feel that what they’re trying to do here works pretty well. Introduce their vocalist, get you acclimated. Picks up from there, Swank is in full force, the guitar work is really serving the track. The instrumentation remains steady and heavy here in the pre-chorus and the vocals go up and down between flowing and being hit with a tiny pinch of auto-tune for a couple lines which keeps things fresh.

What can I say about this chorus? It’s true to the genre, it has the meticulous guitar work, the inviting percussion. Michael feels right at home with this band too in every melody he sings on here.

The bridge here does this thing that a lot of these no-scream post-hardcore bands do. (In the best way.) In that it feels like a breakdown but it’s still sung so beautifully. If you know the feeling, you know but you’ll have to experience this bit for yourself.

Overall I thought this was good at being a great reintroduction to both Swank and Foxera who have only had one other song to their name so far. I think some parts of the track kind of go on for a little long but we saw that in ways with “Memories” as well, the final guitar ring lasts about 12 seconds here. There is minor tweaking between both verses and that certainly helps it seem not so monotonous. Time aside I felt the song writing was well crafted and I’m certainly looking forward to more from Foxera in the future.


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