
Showing posts from July, 2024

Review: Hot Singles in Your Area by Scene Queen released via Hopeless

Hannah Rose Collins, better known as Scene Queen, has gotten a lot of attention on social media lately for better or worse. Releasing music since 2020, she has been accused more recently of being inauthentic by a wide margin of the community. I myself enjoyed some of the early tracks from the EPs, thought it was harmless pop music everyone was weirdly angry with and looked forward to a debut album. Now it's here, and I think I finally see what you're all talking about. I want to start off on a positive note before getting into any serious criticism in saying Scene Queen does pay homage to her favorite artists quite well. "BDSM" is a very true to era Warped Tour intro song. It shouts out, by name, the album's attempted niche genre, emphasizes its composition lyrically and says something self critical. In this case Hannah takes the easiest route; she hates men. Which, valid. The reason I'm pointing this out, however, is it's the lowest hanging fruit. Between